About Coach Krusher

"Seeing the transformations in my clients brings me great joy and more motivation for me to KRUSH IT in my own life! The ELEVATION TO NEW HEIGHTS is REAL, this is why I started KRUSH IT FITNESS!"

- Coach Krusher

Hi there! I'm

Tyler "The Krusher" Kruschenske.

I'm your coach for the forseeable future and beyond!

Let’s take you back in my life…It all started back when I was a kid. I wasn’t the most popular kid on the block (as a matter of fact I got bullied a lot) but one thing that let me socialize a bit was competitive sports. I’ve always had that “itch” to get the competitive juices flowing and try my best to win it all! I’d say Grade 12 was my “turning-point”. I hated the way I looked as I was a thin kid with major acne issues. So I found enough motivation to take action! I started training consistently and also decided to clean up my nutrition cause if I’m going to do this, I’m not going to just “dip my toe in”, I’m diving straight in, head first and be disciplined with what it takes to live that healthy lifestyle. Along with healthy-looking skin, my passion grew for health and fitness! I decided to become a personal trainer and nutritionist and I have been passionate about this field ever since!
One thing that I tell people that surprises them is I use to be a competitive 5-pin bowler. I was one of the best in my area and went to compete against kids my age from across the province. However, after I was done with my league, lost interest, and so I was an athlete without a sport. After searching for a while, I found this race called “Mud Runs” online and thought I’d give it a whirl….THE REST IS HISTORY I tried some open races out (like Warrior Dash and Tough Mudder) and I was hooked! I was motivated to train for this cool sport! The biggest thing I needed to get better at was running. This sport is like 90% running. The problem was I hated running. The only thing I was interested in was getting fast, so the most I ever ran was the 400m dash. I did have a sprinting coach on occasion that generously gave me some tips on training to become faster. So with my lack of knowledge in distance running and confidence that my speed would be enough to possibly win some races, I decided to sign up for my first competitive heat in a Warrior Dash…boy I was in for a rude awakening.. The first mistake was wearing Walmart flat road running shoes(not trail runners) cause I thought that was the thing to do. My shoes are going to get muddy and wet(that was my reasoning) and I wouldn’t want to keep them…BIG MISTAKE!! Blisters the size of pancakes, I fell a few times cause I had zero traction on my shoes, it was a disaster! After I finished the race, I didn’t even crack the top 100. I cramped so bad I almost cried. I was disappointed but motivated by my anger in myself for such a poor outing…you know I’m competitive. 🙂

As the years past and knowledge built up over time, I love running now! I am now a podium contender in the Elite Wave Spartan Races competing against the best and have been on the podium many times. I also qualified for the World Championships multiple times. I’ve also competed in many long trail races such as “Run for the Toad”, “Northface Endurance Challenge” and “Summit 700”. I’ve reached the podium many times. Now then, even though I don’t train for it specifically, I’m proud to say I’m a multiple winner at Toronto’s CN Tower Stairs Climb.
If there’s a motivational message within my experience I can give to you is LIVE THE LIFESTYLE. Change is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Just like your nutritional habits, it has to get into your “comfort zone” to the point where it becomes second nature with the choices you make. You’ll automatically choose the healthier choices. As far as fitness and athletics, you might be at the bottom like I was, but IF YOU CHALLENGE YOURSELF YOU CHANGE YOURSELF FOREVER! You definitely are more capable of doing things that you doubt you can do. Once you ride the wave of a healthy lifestyle, there’s no desire to go back to old habits. Let me show you how to KRUSH IT AT LIFE!